Automatic problem reports
During the development of DiagnoseIS, a lot of effords have been spent on preventing errors. Unfortunately, it is always possible for errors to arise in software, for example when someone tries to corrupt te system, the user enters invalid values, due to hardware failures, or in case the software engineer has made a mistake. In case DiagnoseIS detects such errors, besides a logbook entry which will be stored, the administrator will receive an e-mail.

Possibly software engineers are already examining problems before you have actually reported it. Nevertheless, feel free to call us with any comment. Your questions will be answered in a friendly manner, and the remark is registred. This way, the software and manuals can be improved where possible.

In case you feel DiagnoseIS should not report problems arising on your local system, this option can be disabled in the configuration. Ofcourse, problem reports will never contain data about clients.

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