Häufig gestellte Fragen:

Will I manage to add tests myself?
For an average PC user, it should be quite easy to add tests for usage in DiagnoseIS. A questionnaire is added by entering the questions, answers and norms. A test that allows drawing is designed in a test design module, similar to drawing in Paint or Word. It is even possible to scan a test using a standard Scanner, and using the digital form in DiagnoseIS.

Is it possible to use A3 size tests in DiagnoseIS?
Sure! Besides on the 12inch tablet, DiagnoseIS can also be used in combination with larger tablets, up to 22 inches. Bacause of our partnership to the supplier, these tablets can be purchased with discounts up to 30%.

How do you make sure only qualified users use DiagnoseIS?
DiagnoseIS was never designed to replace psychologists or test assistants, but to support them in their job. The test is used similar to the pen and paper style. The only difference is that the paper has been replaced by an intelligent tablet. This reduces the timing problems, while providing some extra time for important observations. Since the author or publisher of a test can limit usage to selected users, the tests are guaranteed to be only used by qualified users.

What about norms for new tests?
In case you have added an own test to DiagnoseIS, there are no norms for that test available. While still collecting norms, it is possible to enable the auto-norm mode. The system then uses the database for determination of norms. Since you can provide your new test to any other user of the system online, you will soon collect enough data for generating validated norms. Until then, you could test clients, based on your own qualitative judgements and observations.

Do I need a network connection?
Not while testing. A network connection is needed for automatic scoring. Ofcourse you are able to collect as many test results as you want, for later automatic scoring when a network connection is available. Also, by connecting the system to the internet, you will automatically receive new tests and updates.

In how far does the tablet pen feel different than a real pen?
Indeed it has not been easy to find a pen that behaves exactly like a real pen. Research into this subject however resulted in a professional system, reacting in an intuitive, fast matter. The selected tablets are even used by digital designers and artists. One of the criteria also was that the pen should not be heavier than normal pens, have no batteries en should not have a cable. Furthermore the performance of the pen has been optimized to react to the pressure and angle. Feedback of psychologists has been processed in order to further improve the software, resulting in a pen that is even better than a real pen: it does not stain, no breaking pencils, and the paper does not shift while performing the tests!

Are the norms of paper tests still valid when provided in a digital form?
Although usage of the flat horizontal pen tablet is very similar to pen and paper style, it is afcourse always clever to validate if this is also the case for the kind of clients you are planning to use the system for. For several purposes, one is primarily interested in the changes or improvements in cognitive functions over time, in which case the norms are not always important. This also applies to tests that are mainly intended to measure qualitative aspects.

As publisher of tests, we insist on keeping scoring algorithms on our own server. Is that possible?
Sure, if required, we will route the raw data collected by DiagnoseIS to your server. Using your own secret algorithms on your server, you would then calculate the results which are posted back to DiagnoseIS. This way you are also able to monitor the usage of the tests automatically.

Can I use the system for bio- or neurofeedback?
The design of the system allows for feedback to the client. Because the interface to these feedback systems might vary, we advise you to contact us for more information on including interfaces to the device of your choice.

Can I add tests to DiagnoseIS?
Sure, and even without any programming knowledge! The DiagnoseIS Designer is a drawing application, quite similar to a program like Paint or Word, having some extra options for allowing automatic scoring. After having set some standard report options, the test is published by pressing a single button!

Can I leave the client alone with this system?
You could, but for neuropsychologic testing, it is strongly disadvised since you might miss all important observations and cannot intervene in case the client is using the system the wrong way. Ofcourse you should choose your own policy regarding this issue. Questionnaires can be used remotely using a standard internet browser.

What about copyrights?
For existing tests, the copyright is usually owned by the author or publisher of the test. The owner of this copyright can provide licenses for usage or reproduction of these tests. In case a test is not available in DiagnoseIS, and you are thinking of adding it to the system, you will need permission of the copyright owner. DiagnoseIS can be of help there to mediate between parties. Ofcourse you are free to create new tests which are somehow similar to existing tests, or use the software for timing only, in essence like an improved stopwatch. Unfortunately DiagnoseIS cannot cooperate in providing 1 to 1 digitized copies of a test without the explicit permission. In case you will add your own test to DiagnoseIS, you have the option to make deals for usage to other potential users of the test, using the protected part of this website.


What if my tests are copied illegally?
That is one the benefits for publishers: your test cannot be used without your permission, and usage of the test is monitored automatically, as opposed to your paper tests which are copied illegally throughout many companies at this moment.

Who is using my tests?
This data is available through the protected part of this website. Publishers have the option of logging in to the system and find out how often a test is used. In case you have specified a price for usage, you are provided with an overview showing the turnover on the tests.

Is DiagnoseIS a commercial product?
This depends on the authors and publishers of tests. They have the option of pricing the usage of their tests in DiagnoseIS. Ofcourse you can use the system for scientific research also.

Is DiagnoseIS suitable for older people or children?
Yes. Although the computer is used for preparations and scoring tests, the client only uses the tablet and the special pen coming with it. A test in DiagnoseIS has a paper and pencil look and feel. Most patients even state that drawing on the DiagnoseIS tablet is more convenient than pen and paper. Some of the tests can be zoomed for nearsighted people. Also, the volume for sounds is easily adjusted, allowing your own voice to rest even during testing people having audio problems. Also for children, DiagnoseIS is very suitable. Before starting the test session, you might ask the client to make a free drawing in case you feel the user needs to get comfortable with the system first. Please contact us for a free demonstration to validate the user friendlyness of the system yourself.

Isn't a touchscreen annoying?
Indeed it is. That is why we have chosen a different technique. You can lean on the screen with your hand or arm, put paper or other objects on the screen, having no effect to the test. The flat tablet screen will only react to the specially selected pen and offers a very preciese, quick, comfortable reaction. In case you have doubts on this issue, please contact us for a demonstration. We are convinced that your doubts will be history after having tested this technique yourself.

What about software problems?
DiagnoseIS automatically reports problems and unexpected events to Launch IT, developer of DiagnoseIS. Ofcourse the appropriate actions are then taken. In case you find problems you need help with, you can ofcourse always send us an email, or call us.

Is this a testmanager, like many others?
Indeed there are a couple of testmanagers available. Some healthcare companies also create own excel sheets for computer aided scoring, often limited to questionnaires. DiagnoseIS however can replace any paper test available. Also DiagnoseIS beats all competition by the unique user friendlyness of the system. Using this software you hardly have the feeling of working with a computer. This effect has been achieved by developing the system in close cooperation to psychologists. Also the simple way of adding or developing tests is unique.

What is a testmanager?
A testmanager is a computer program used for psychologic testing. Usually this kind of software is used for testing and scoring, as well as report generation, often questionnaires. DiagnoseIS adds the possibility to add and create new tests, and even to publish them to other users online. In principle any test available on paper can be used in DiagnoseIS.

Isn't it too hard for clients to use computers?
One of the benefits of DiagnoseIS is that clients will hardly notice that they are using a computer because of the pen and paper style input, using the tablet. Even questionnaires can be answered by checking them on this flat screen. Drawing on this screen is very intuitive and hardly differs from drawing on paper. The client does not need a mouse or a keyboard for using DiagnoseIS

How do I scan tests?
Using the Design module you can add tests for usage in DiagnoseIS without any programming knowledge. This way, you can use your paper tests in a digital shape, within an hour. The only thing left to do is to mark special regions for automatic scoring, as explained in the manual. Ofcourse we are happy to help you in this process. Please mind that you will need explicit permission by the authors in case you are copying an existing test.

Is it safe to use a network/internet for these things?
This is a feeling shared by many users of technology today. However, it is important to stress that DiagnoseIS will NOT transmit any patient data over the network. Only anonymous, encrypted raw measured data is used for scoring. In the information used for automatic scoring, patient id numbers are never used.

Isn't DiagnoseIS too expensive for small companies?
The Basic DiagnoseIS software is free! You will only pay for the usage of those tests that are not free of charge. The tablet is easily earned back beacuse of the time saved by automatic timing, scoring and report generation.

Does DiagnoseIS support OCR?
DiagnoseIS supports scanning of pictures and drawings, for using these as tests. In case you would like to scan filled in questionnaires which have been answered on a paper sheet for automatic processing, we can include this functionality for you.

Does DiagnoseIS generate reports?
It does, including a table of contents, graphs, tables, norms, drawings, comments and marks. It is also possible to export the report to Excel of SPSS. Optionally, you can select multiple clients for creating a report for scientific purposes. The report is automatically generated in your yompanies style, using an own logo, colors and fonts.

Is the system mobile?
In case you will invite us for a demonstration, you will notice that we transport the system in a businesstrolley and have the system operational within minutes on your location. The tablet screen is light weighted and could even be used in a bed.

Can questionaires be used remotely?
Internet testing is possible using DiagnoseIS. Your own questionnaires, or those already available in DiagnoseIS, can either be answerd on the tablet, or in a standard internet browser, including pictures and figures. It is important to stress that sensitive client identification data will NOT be sent over the internet, not even the patient's id number.

Can DiagnoseIS be connected to other (archive-) systems?
Ofcourse. DiagnoseIS has been developed by Launch IT, experienced in software development. DiagnoseIS can be connected to any other system or device. In case this interface could be of general benefit, we will implement this software completely free of charge. For very specific software extensions, a quotation can be requested.

What is DiagnoseIS?
DiagnoseIS is short for Diagnose Information System. This is a computer program for developing, using, scoring and archiving tests, allowing automatic scoring and publishing of these tests as well. As opposed to many other testmanagers, DiagnoseIS is very suitable for measuring cognitive functions. Using the special pen on a flat tablet, the client is able to draw on tests, similar to the old style pen and paper tests.

What if the client accidentally leans on the tablet during the test?
Leaning or pressing on the screen, as well as objects on the tablet, do not have any influence on the test. The tablet used is not a standard touchscreen. It only reacts to special pen. In case your test requires the input of buttons, this is possible by configuring the real buttons on the side of the tablet.

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